Preparing the perfect Candidate for a professional interview
One of our actions is to prepare candidates for employment abroad, with particularly high success rates in positions related to the European Parliament, the Commission and any service within the European Union and its actions, Brussels or Luxembourg.
We are particularly proud of our high success rate in preparing targeted interviews in all cognitive and scientific subjects and at all stages of the selection process in which we assist candidates with:
- completing the application
- preparing their CV
- preparing them for the interview
- their participation in possible written or oral examinations in the second or third stage of the staff selection process
The purpose of the training seminar is to inform and prepare the candidates so that they can successfully respond to a professional job interview.

Preparation of Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter, Professional Interview.
Upon completion of the seminar, the participants will be able to claim the professional position they are interested in with a higher success rate, being better prepared.
Trainee Profile: Trainees of any specialty or any specialties, of any composition, men and women.